Autumn meeting 2018

Joint BSCDB/RBSM Autumn Meeting 2018

Cell and Tissue Mechanics in Physiology and Disease

Date: September 20-21, 2018

Venue: University of Antwerp, Campus Drie Eiken, Building O

Local organizers: Peter Ponsaerts, Jean-Pierre Timmermans, Winnok De Vos

Contact: (BSCDB) or (RBSM)


Aims of the meeting

Cells and tissues are continuously exposed to a variety of mechanical impulses. It is now becoming more evident that the conversion of these mechanical cues into cellular responses – i.e., mechanotransduction – lies at the heart of a variety of cellular processes including cell division, motility, and differentiation, and it is frequently found dysregulated in disease. Along with the growing notion that mechanotransduction defines cell and tissue response comes a need for alternative cell culture models and interrogation methods. Our aim is to focus on the emerging field of mechanobiology and its highly interdisciplinary nature by providing a forum to distinguished international and national researchers whose combined work covers the continuum of subcellular, cellular and organ(oid) mechanics and the analysis thereof. As the topic bridges the disciplines of cell and developmental biology and microscopy, its makes the perfect substrate for a joint meeting of the respective societies (BSCDB and RBSM). In line with both societies’ tradition, this meeting will also honour Belgium-based PhD-students who have made substantial advances in “cell and developmental biology” as well as “microscopic imaging” research by awarding the BSCDB and RBSM PhD-Excellence Awards.

Program available here




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Abstract submission is closed, but registration is still possible until September 10th, 2018: Register here


category Registration fee

BSCDB member

100 euro

RBSM member

100 euro


incl. BSCDB membership

125 euro



incl. RBSM membership

125 euro


Payment information

Please transfer the amount indicated in the registration mail by bank transfer to:

  • IBAN: BE57 7350 0799 7535
  • Reference: SC180025 + name(s) + BSCDB or RBSM