A major activity of the RBSCDB is the organization of high quality scientific meetings, both for Belgian and for foreign cell and developmental biologists. Meetings are free or at minimal cost for members of the Society. For non-members, the registration fee is kept minimal, and includes a one year membership.
The RBSCDB is organizing two meetings per year, a Spring and an Autumn meeting. The meetings are mostly for one day, occasionally for two days.
Several RBSCDB meetings were jointly organized with other Societies or networks.
Our members know that we have always been very successful in organizing RBSCDB meetings on certain topics or fields, covered by international and national top scientists. We will continue to do so. But, the RBSCDB will organize also meetings that no longer will be “themed”. We did so for the first time in our Autumn Meeting of 2014 in Antwerp.
Overview of the RBSCDB meeting since 1972
Meetings in association with other societies
Meetings under the auspices or with participation of the society