Membership & Grants

RBSCDB Membership

May we kindly remind you to become or to remain a RBSCDB MEMBER in 2024, if you have not yet done so? You can join us as a new member or renew your membership by:

  • sending a short e-mail with your full coordinates to our secretary and to our treasurer Christophe Pierreux
  • and transfer within two weeks your annual membership fee of 25 € to the BSCDB bank account BE81 3630 4266 8724 and include your name and preferably also (in the message) your affiliation.

Note that membership in 2024 is obligatory for participation in RBSCDB meetings and for applying for travel grants!


RBSCDB Travel Grant

From now on, pre-doctoral researchers and junior post-doctoral researchers (max 2 years after obtaining the PhD degree) can apply for travel grants of at maximum 400 € (within Europe) or 500 € (outside Europe) for the purpose of attending an international meeting or course in the broad field of cell and developmental biology. In 2024, the BSCDB will award 4-6 of these travel grants.

The following application deadlines will apply:

  • Deadline of 31/12/2023 has been postponed to January 15th 2024!
  • 31/05/2024 for conferences between 01/06/2024 and 31/08/2024.
  • 31/08/2024 for conferences between 01/09/2024 and 31/12/2024.
  • 31/12/2024 for conferences between 01/01/2025 and 31/05/2025. 

The application form can be downloaded here: RBSCDB travel grant application form



The RBSCDB PhD Excellence Award wants to recognize and reward a young scientist for outstanding research achievements in the fields of cell and/or developmental biology, and to encourage young scientists to make the next step in their scientific career. This award does that by supporting the mobility for a post-doctoral career to a research institute different from the PhD host University. It consists of a certificate of scientific distinction, and the accompanying funds (5,000 €) are available to provide support to the awardee who wishes to engage or is already engaged in a challenging post-doctoral project. This prize will be awarded at the occasion of the RBSCDB Autumn Meeting 2025, where the winner is expected to present her/his work.

The application guidelines will be available later.

The application deadline is 01/03/2025.